EFCA launches the 2023 Future Trends Report “How do I get future-ready? A playbook for consulting engineers in times of uncertainty”

In a rapidly evolving world characterised by persistent crises and a relentless search for innovation, consulting engineers in Europe are confronted with a particular challenge: How can we safeguard our future relevance in an environment where skilled labour is diminishing, and the influence of AI solutions is rapidly ascending? How can we reshape our business models to ensure that we remain sought-after collaborators in the dynamic construction industry?

Today, EFCA launches its Future Trends Report 2023, “How do I get future-ready? A playbook for consulting engineers in times of uncertainty”. This comprehensive playbook serves as the guiding star, offering invaluable insight to firms within our sector, enabling them to navigate the ever-evolving landscape and maintain their status as future-ready leaders.

  • 16 November 2023